

A certain genetic mutation unknown in humans have been discovered in certain individuals! The said mutation has a way of reversing the ageing process
thereby making men and women in which this mutation has taken place young again! It also changes the texture of their bodies. No damage can be done upon their bodies whether by fire, bullets, water or bombs. While we are not yet certain of its immortal abilities, it has however been noted that individuals in which this mutation has taken place have been observed to have undying cells which is quiet abnormal in humans.

From findings, they are immune to all forms of diseases and what more, their IQs are steadily rising at a very abnormal rate. It is said they are likely to hit a 100% function of their brain capacities if observable developments in them are left unchecked.
These men and women however walk in the most sublime, loving, giving, humanly impossible type of behaviours. They are orderly and cannot be found to break any laws whether it is of government, of conscience or of nature.

Medical practitioners are observing developments on these people as thousands of them have been selected from different continents and placed under close observations as they go on and in their daily affairs.

While no one has been able to provide any clues as to these occurrences, certain persons of Christian persuasions are however of the opinion that this has already been promised in their holy book, the Bible. They said several of the contributing writers of the book had predicted these times and events. One Paul, was quoted as writing "WE SHALL NOT ALL DIE... AT THE LAST TRUMP... WE SHALL BE CHANGED". They also claim that teachings in the Book of Revelation prescribes the way into this experience. It was said to be the main reason their Messiah, Jesus Christ, a man who was said to have lived and died 2000 years ago and of whom there is very little secular documentation of his existence promised.
As we have said, we are following this development,  we shall give you more reports as further developments unfold. SoandSo News Network.........

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